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National Food and Nutrition Commission



Name of Project Mumbwa Nutrition Convergence Centre (MNCC) Project

Name of assignment Consultancy services for conducting baseline evaluation
for mncc



Mumbwa Nutrition Convergence Centre (MNCC) Project

1\. Background of the Project

The National Food and Nutrition Commission (NFNC) of Zambia is spearheading
the implementation of phase II of the First 1000 Most Critical Days Programme
(MCDP II), a multi-sectoral Scaling Up Nutrition (SUN) programme in various
districts across the country. MCDP II is being executed with support from
cooperating partners DFID, SIDA, Germany Government, USAID, and the European
Union whose goal is to reduce stunting among Zambian children under the age of
two years. One of the major lessons learned from MCDP I was the lack of
convergence of nutrition specific and nutrition sensitive interventions at
community and household levels. It has been established that intervention
convergence at the household level is critical in reducing stunting. The
2013-14 national demographic health survey (DHS) showed that the highest
marginal reduction in stunting was within households with adequate access to
resources and skills to address three key drivers of stunting WASH, health
services, and food and care practices. In the absence of one of these,
reductions in stunting will be less likely. It is with this background that
the MNCC project was conceptualised.

1.1 About Mumbwa Nutrition Convergence Centre Project

The MNCC project is a 14 months project being funded by the United Nations
Office for Project Services (UNOPS) and implemented by the National Food and
Nutrition Commission (NFNC) in partnership with the Programme Against
Malnutrition (PAM) to pilot the concept of “convergence” of nutrition specific
and nutrition sensitive interventions in Mumbwa district in line with the MCDP
II programme theory.

1.1.1 Overall Project Objective To promote uptake of a package of high
impact nutrition specific and nutrition sensitive interventions by households
for greater impact in reducing stunting and other forms of malnutrition

1.1.2 Specific Objectives

> To enhance the capacity of community level coordination structures to strengthen household and community level convergence of key nutrition specific and nutrition sensitive interventions
> To sensitise households and the community through education sessions and practical demonstrations to stimulate adoption of appropriate behaviours promoted in the MCDP II package of nutrition specific and nutrition sensitive interventions.
> To stimulate community interest and raise demand for the package of nutrition interventions provided by line ministries and other stakeholders within their communities.

1.1.3 Purpose and scope of the Baseline Evaluation

· The purpose of this evaluation is to establish benchmark measures for all
the project indicators as outlined in the project log frame.

2\. Expected Outputs and Deliverables

a) Produce inception report stipulating how the consultant will conduct the
baseline study within the stipulated time frame

b) Produce, “Mumbwa Nutrition Convergence Centre Project Baseline Report”. The
report excluding the executive summary and annexes should not exceed 25 pages

c) The consultants are also expected to produce performance management
indicators and tools based on their assessment during the baseline study

d) The executive summary (1-3 pages) should include key findings and explicit

3\. Reporting Progress and Implementation Arrangement

The Consultant will work towards timely submission of the above named
documents. NFNC and PAM will make available the necessary documents and
support to facilitate execution of this assignment.

All communication about this exercise shall be done through the Executive

4\. Required Qualifications

The Consultant is expected to hold the following qualifications to be eligible
for this assignment

a) PhD or Master’s degree in Programme Monitoring and Evaluation, Human
Nutrition, Food Science, Demography, Public Health, Agricultural Economics,
and Economics from a recognised credible University with a proven track record
of conducting similar assignments with reputable institutions

b) Experience in evaluating nutrition projects will be an added advantage

c) Demonstration of a high level of professionalism and ability to work under
high pressure and strict deadlines

d) High proficiency in written and spoken English

e) High proficiency in statistical analysis (SPSS, STATA, etc.)

f) Must have practical and demonstrated experience in evaluating similar donor
funded programmes/projects with government, local and international NGOs.

5\. Duration of Assignment

The consultancy is estimated to take 25 working days including the submission
of the draft and final reports.

6 Procedures for Submitting Documents

Consultants should submit a zipped folder of the following documents

i. A cover letter summarizing suitability and qualifications for this

ii. List of relevant similar assignments and at least two (2) soft copies of
actual outputs from these assignments and references.

iii. A technical proposal which should clearly outline the evaluation
methodology, work plan and data quality assurance measures to be applied
during the evaluation

iv. A cost/financial proposal with a proposed payment schedule

Kindly note that only electronic applications will be accepted. Documents
should be submitted to the following address

The Administration Manager

National Food and Nutrition Commission (NFNC)

P.O. Box 32669

Plot No. 5112, Lumumba Road


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