DAI Jobs in Nchelenge District Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning Officer Carreer opportunities in Nchelenge vacancies in DAI at Nchelenge

# Job Description




1\. Project Background

The Scaling Up Nutrition Program is a cross-ministry and multi-donor program
to reduce stunting in Zambia through implementation of the Government of the
Republic of Zambia GRZ 1,000 Most Critical Days Program.

SUN TA provides support and direct technical assistance to sub-national local
government departments in target districts to plan, implement, coordinate, and
monitor integrated nutrition-sensitive and nutrition-specific activities to
reduce the rate of stunting among Zambian children under two and improve the
nutritional status of pregnant and lactating mothers. USAID has identified two
main objectives that address stunting, including 1 Adequate Quantity and
Quality of Dietary Intake among Target Groups; and 2 Adequate Health
Conditions for Biological Utilization of Nutrients. SUN TA interventions
increases access and availability of safe, diverse, nutritious food; adoption
of better child feeding and household hygiene practices; and access to
improved health, water and sanitation services. The project prioritizes
sustainability by improving intra-household joint decision making and building
the capacity of local government and their stakeholders to ensure
coordination, accountability, and learning, following the Scaling Up Nutrition

1\. Location

The District MEL Officer will be based in Nchelenge, Kaputa, Luwingu, Chibombo
and Mumbwa and will be covering all health catchment areas with frequent
travel throughout the district

2\. Objective

The District Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning Officer will overall work
under the MEL Director to implement the SUN TA monitoring, evaluation and
learning function at the district level. S/he will be responsible for data
collection, collation, data quality assurance, data entry and reporting. S/he
will work in close coordination with the SUN TA district technical team and
focal persons from the line ministries at the district level to ensure
timeliness, effectiveness and efficiency in data collection and subsequent
upload onto the online database management system. S/he will also be required
to be in constant touch with the focal persons of the sub-district structures
to ensure smooth and timeous flow of data from the sub-district, district
through to the national level.

3\. Tasks and Responsibilities

-->Operationalize the project monitoring, evaluation and learning system at the district level to support learning, decision making and accountability.
-->Spearhead the implementation of the monitoring, evaluation and learning activities at the district level and ensure MEL plan/strategy is implemented according to plan.
-->Provide regular feedback and updates to the district technical team on MEL activities in the district.
-->Train and support community-based volunteers and subdistrict structure in the collection of accurate and reliable data, and reporting.
-->Manage the collection, storage and retrieval of project data at the district level to support learning and decision making.
-->Support the district and sub-district structures in the collection of monitoring data using the devised data collection forms and transpose it on the online database management system.
-->Support the SUN TA district team, District Nutrition Coordination Committee DNCC and
-->Sub-district structures in the verification, and update of data, including ensuring data accuracy and reliability.
-->Facilitate the formation/strengthening of the MEL Technical Working Group of the District Nutrition Coordination Committee DNCC
-->Facilitate internal Data Review Meetings and support the DNCC and the sub-district structure in conducting M&E review meetings.
-->Supervise studies and surveys at the district level.
-->Liaise with the key stakeholders at the district with the view of gathering feedback on the data collection tools for possible improvement.
-->Undertake other monitoring and evaluation functions as needed.
-->Any other duties assigned

4\. Reporting and Supervision

The District Monitoring, Evaluation Officer will report to the District
Manager and will be supported by the Provincial MEL Officer. The District MEL
Officer will also supervise the position of District Data Associate

5\. Qualifications, Knowledge and Experience


-->A minimum qualification of a Bachelor’s degree in Demography, Development Studies, Economics, or any related social sciences.
-->At least 6 years of working experience in a Monitoring and Evaluation or another related field.
-->Computer skills in spread sheets, database management, word processing, SPSS or other statistical packages. Competence in dhis2 and working knowledge of the Ministry of Health HMIS will be an added advantage
-->Competence in quantitative and qualitative research methodologies.
-->Proven record of data and information collection, collation, review, analysis, presentation skills and data visualization.
-->Previous experience working in the international development or humanitarian sector in in a MEL, data analytics or research capacity.
-->Strong computer skills, including the ability operate management systems.


-->Formal training in monitoring and evaluation.
-->Experience with data collection using Open Data Kit, KoBoTool box, dhis2 or other online or offline data collection solutions.

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Closing Date 15th September , 2021.

DAI Jobs in Nchelenge District Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning Officer Carreer opportunities in Nchelenge vacancies in DAI at Nchelenge

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