Knowledge Manager Jobs in Kasanka National Park Zambia Kasanka Trust LTD Jobs in Kasanka National Park Zambia View and Apply Knowledge Manager Jobs in Kasanka National Park at Kasanka Trust LTD

Kasanka Trust LTD

The Kasanka Trust (the Trust) has been in existence since 1986 with
biodiversity conservation as its raison d’être. The Trust has a long-running
co-management agreement with Zambia’s Department of National Parks and
Wildlife (DNPW). The Trust currently manages the Kasanka National Park and
supports the Kafinda Game Management Area and Mpumba community area.
Management responsibility covers an area in excess of 400 km2 with national
park status and a further 4,000 km2 of designated or planned community
conservation area. The area lies within the David Livingstone memorial zone
and the Kasanka National Park is the destination of the world’s largest annual
bat migration.

These protected areas are primarily representative of the central African
plateau miombo, high canopy woodland biome, but include a diverse assemblage
of rivers, lakes, swamp, wet and riverine forest, dambo, grassland and rocky
ridges. These areas possess a diverse list of large and small animal species
and a high floral diversity. The avian species diversity has been best studied
of all the animal orders and the Kasanka National Park hosts the second
highest bird list of all Zambia’s protected areas.

The Trust operates like a business guided by a 5-year strategic plan with 9
programmes. It employs approximately 90 individuals allocated to law
enforcement, park habitat and infrastructure management, community outreach
and administration. The Trust also operates its own tourism operations in both
national parks, comprising lodges, a tented camp and campsites. Revenues from
tourism are ploughed back into park management and community outreach. In the
next 5 years the Trust intends to significantly increase its impact and

The Trust’s operating areas are remote. The Kasanka National Park is in
Chitambo District some 120 km north-west of the town of Serenje and about 6
hours from Lusaka. The Mpumba area is approximately 70 km south of the town of
Mpika and approximately 3 hours by road from Kasanka. Rural clinics and
hospitals are within a two-hour radius by road. The only educational
facilities nearby are a kindergarten school at Kasanka conservation training
centre. There is a bush air strip in the Kasanka National Park.

Kasanka Trust Limited (KTL) has adopted a 5-year Strategic Plan 2017-2021,
defining a statement of objectives for the period towards its vision. The
Strategic Plan, which was adopted in early 2017 by the KTL Board, also newly
organized KTL’s mission into a set of nine programs. With the adoption of the
strategic plan, the Trust is now paying greater attention to planning and
measuring activities and outcomes as well as science-based conservation. An
M&E system and manual has been designed as well as a Research and M&E
strategy. KTL now seeks to fully implement these tools and significantly
upgrade the quality and scope of its planning, M&E and science-based
conservation performance.

Position, Location, Reporting

The Trust is now looking for an Ecologist, Planner and Monitoring and
Evaluation Manager or Knowledge Manager. This is a full-time three-year
position based at the Trust headquarters in the Kasanka National Park. The
Knowledge Manager would report to the Trust General Manager.


Required qualifications

1) Degree At least a Masters, preferably a PhD, in the field of ecology or
natural science;
2) Experience At least 2 years working as an ecologist in a protected area or
a research station or similar;
3) Experience At least 1 year exposure and work on planning, including budget
planning, and monitoring, including outcome reporting, of a project or similar
4) IT software Proficiency with the mainstream software of Microsoft Office
as well as prior exposure to biostatistics and GIS-based software;
5) Language Excellent written and spoke English (additional language will be
considered a plus);
6) Skills Team leader and builder; Very organized problem-solver

Optional but Desired Skills, Qualifications or Experience

1) Experience in Zambia protected area system
2) Prior knowledge of Kasanka and the Trust

Important Additional Requirements

1) Willingness to live in a remote area in less than optimal living and
working conditions
2) Driving license

Key competencies

1) Integrity Upholds high moral standards, personally and professionally
2) Teamwork Co-operates with others in order to meet organisational targets
3) Flexibility Receptive to new ideas, able to adapt to changing

Scope of work

The Knowledge Manager shall be responsible for implementing the Trust’s
Research and Monitoring and Evaluation Strategy including dissemination.

Core responsibilities (add subsections if necessary)

1) Operation Planning. In close collaboration with the GM, prepare annually
and update quarterly (or more often as needed) the Annual Work Plan and Budget
of the Trust;
2) Trust Strategic Planning. Update once a year the Trust 5-year strategic
plan based on the evaluation included in the Annual Report;
3) Area planning. (a) Update as necessary the area general management plans
for the areas under the Trust accountability, (b) lead,or closely support,
efforts outside the parks to address emerging land grabbing and watershed
4) Monitoring. Establish a M&E system, using a variety of Trust human
resources, and coordinate the monitoring of the Trust operations (activities),
results (output) and impact (outcome) including data collection for various
indicators and analysis; this include the completion of the design and
establishing the baseline for several indicators;
5) Reporting. Prepare, with input from the Section Managers, (a) the Trust
quarterly reports, 2 weeks after quarter end, and annual reports, 3 months
after year end, following agreed templates and using information from
monitoring as well as accounting and include a solid section on evaluation to
improve the Trust operation in subsequent years, (b) for the general public
and the web site, a short version of the Annual Report in coordination with
the communication officer ;
6) Research mobilization and coordination. (a) Mobilize and coordinate
research partners, projects and institutions to implement the Trust Research
Strategy, (b) in case of sudden ecological crisis or increased threat, if
applicable, mobilize rapidly resources and expertise to advice a course of
action to the Trust Management and Board;
7) Advising. Provide just-on-time advice to the Trust Management and Board on
all matters related to ecology, research, planning and M&E.
8) Team contribution. Contribute, as needed, to various activities as
requested by the General Manager, such as procurement committees, organization
of events, Board meetings, representing the Trust at workshops or conferences,
etc. as well as carry out other functions and tasks as may be legitimately
requested from time to time, or which may be required to achieve the Trust’s

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Knowledge Manager Jobs in Kasanka National Park Zambia Kasanka Trust LTD Jobs in Kasanka National Park Zambia View and Apply Knowledge Manager Jobs in Kasanka National Park at Kasanka Trust LTD

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