Call for proposals / Concept Notes for Community Action Grant, Capacity Building Grant and Innovative Grant Jobs in Zambia ActionAid Zambia Jobs in Zambia View and Apply Call for proposals / Concept Notes for Community Action Grant, Capacity Building Grant and Innovative Grant Jobs in at ActionAid Zambia
ActionAid Zambia
Request for Proposals / Concepts
ActionAid Zambia (AAZ) is part of the ActionAid Global (AAG) Federation,
sharing common values and aims to drive social change towards a just,
equitable and sustainable world. ActionAid Zambia works with poor and excluded
women and young people, their organizations, and movements, to address the
structural causes of social injustice, gender inequality and poverty. This
fight is in line with the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
which have identified the importance of addressing poverty alongside
Our Vision
A just, equitable and sustainable Zambia in which every person enjoys the
right to a life of dignity.
Our Mission
To achieve social justice, gender equality, and poverty eradication by working
with people living in poverty and exclusion, their communities, organisations,
activists, social movements, and supporters.
With support from SIDA, ActionAid Zambia has been implementing the
“Strengthening Civil Society Effectiveness in Promoting Good Governance and
Increasing Citizen’s Awareness and Demand for Human Rights in Zambia” Project.
The overall goal of the project is to increase citizens awareness and demand
for human rights in Zambia.
As part of the project ActionAid Zambia is looking to support community-based
organizations from Northern, Muchinga, Western, Southern, Eastern, Lusaka,
Copperbelt and North-Western provinces who are “Promoting Good Governance and
Increasing Citizen’s Awareness and Demand for Human Rights in Zambia’’.
1\. Community Action Grant
ActionAid Zambia is therefore requesting for proposals / Concept Notes from
interested Local Non-Government Organizations (NGOs) and Community Based
Organizations (CBOs) willing to be involved and take action to change their
own societies and communities. This call is under Community Action Grant and
provides funding to support community interventions focusing on any of the
following programme thematic areas within a limited time frame of up to five
(5) months
Thematic Priority Areas
i. Sexual Reproduction Health Rights
ii. Civic participation such as participation in 2021 national budget making
process and local government structure.
iii. Public finance management such as public debt accountability and
transparency, corruption, and management of constituency development fund
iv. Natural Resource management such as Strengthening Management of Forestry,
Protection of water bodies
v. Advocacy/campaign interventions around climate financing
Eligibility Criteria
> Local NGOs Community-Based Organizations (CBO’s) with membership of not less than 50 people , with a proven record of community engagements.
> Creative initiatives / innovations to address any of the above thematic areas.
> Proposed action must be Human Rights Based Approach
> Must be willing to work with ActionAid Hub offices on activity basis.
> Must have traceable physical address and bank account.
> Must be non-political organization and a purely community-driven organization.
> Applicants must be able to supply the recommendation and/or reference letter from any of the following from Reputable NGO operating with the locality or Traditional Leader or Ministry of Community Development and Social Welfare
Application Process
The following shared documents must be filled in according to the given
instructions in /within the documents.
i. Concept note.
ii. Filled in Community Action application form.
iii. Detailed budget of a minimum ZMW50,000.00 and maximum ZMW100,000.00.
iv. Reference from at least two reputable Non-Governmental Organisations
(NGOs) or two Traditional Leaders or from the Ministry of Community
Development and Social Welfare.
2\. Capacity Building Grant
ActionAid Zambia is requesting for proposals / Concept Notes from interested
and eligible, Community Based Organizations, Local Non-Government
Organizations (NGOs), Networks and Umbrella organizations, Faith Based
Organization willing to be supported under the capacity building grant.
Capacity building grant is aimed at Institutional Capacity strengthening
within a limited time frame of up to five (5) months and covers only one
Grant Focus Areas
i. Development of advocacy plans or campaign plans
ii. Development of the Annual Plans
iii. Development of the Strategic plans
iv. Development of Financial/operational manuals
Note Only Community Based Organizations, Local Non-Government Organizations
(NGOs), Networks and Umbrella organizations, Faith Based Organization working
on any of the following areas should apply under this grant
i. Sexual Reproduction Health Rights
ii. Civic participation
iii. Public finance management such as public debt accountability and
transparency, corruption, and management of constituency development fund
iv. Natural Resource management such as Strengthening Management of Forestry,
Protection of water bodies
v. Advocacy/campaign interventions around climate financing
Eligibility Criteria
> Provide evidence confirming plans or resolutions seeking to develop strategic plans, annual plans, advocacy/campaign plans, financial manuals, operational Manuals
> Proof of existence and evidence of works undertaken.
> Must be willing to work with identified experts to provide the support required.
> Applicant must be able to supply at least two references from other prominent organizations
Application Process
The following shared documents must be filled in according to the given
instructions in/within the documents.
i. Filled in capacity assessment tool.
ii. Detailed narration on how capacity building support to any of the
identified areas will enhance the technical capacity of the organisation to
carry out its work.
iii. Detailed budget of up to a maximum of ZMW40,000.00 only, highlighting
consultancy fees for technical support and validation meetings.
3\. Innovation Grant
ActionAid Zambia is requesting for proposals / Concept Notes from interested
and eligible individuals, Coalitions, Community Based Organizations, Faith
Based Organizations, and movements willing to be involved and take action to
change their own societies and communities through innovative approaches. This
call is under an Innovation Grant, the Innovative Grant provides funding to
support creative exploration and project development that will raise the
community’s awareness of and engagement with innovative ideas and projects
focusing on any of the following thematic areas within a limited time frame of
up to five (5) months
Eligibility Criteria
> Individuals, community-based organizations (CBO, FBO), Coalitions, with a proven record of community engagements.
> Creative initiatives / innovations to address any of the above thematic areas.
> Proposed action must be Human Rights Based Approach
> Must be willing to work with ActionAid Hub offices on activity basis.
> Must have traceable physical address and bank account.
> Must be non-political organization and a purely community-driven organization.
> Applicants must be able to supply the recommendation and/or reference from reputable community-based organisations and/or individuals.
Application Process
The following shared documents must be filled in according to the given
instructions in /within the documents.
i. Concept note.
ii. Filled in Innovation grant application form.
iii. Detailed budget of minimum ZMW150,000.00 and maximum ZMW600,000.00
iv. Reference from at least two prominent individuals of society.
Note Download the appropriate application form and budget template from the
following [ link
Applications should be emailed to and
Deadline for submission of proposals and concepts is 16th June, 2021.
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Call for proposals / Concept Notes for Community Action Grant, Capacity Building Grant and Innovative Grant Jobs in Zambia ActionAid Zambia Jobs in Zambia View and Apply Call for proposals / Concept Notes for Community Action Grant, Capacity Building Grant and Innovative Grant Jobs in at ActionAid Zambia
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